"Where Can I Get Invites to Match my Dark Ideals Decor?"


Glad you asked! We have a partnered brand who does customized invitations you will LOVE!

Pumpkin Pie Marketing & Events is who we recommend for invitations. Whether they are virtual or paper invites, Pumpkin Pie is our go-to for these things!

You can check out her Facebook page HERE.

She do a lot of cool things, but her invites are out of sight! They are personalized, and you can make them your own for any occasion. Plus, if she knows you are using Dark Ideals for your party decor, she will match your decorations on everything from colors to theme to phrases! 

Oh, and the best part is, if you use the code DARKIDEALSCLIENT when booking with her, you get 25% off the designing of your invitations, and free shipping if you get paper invitations done up.

Check out some of the cool designs she has done below!

Aren't these just the cutest?

You can also check out her full portfolio on her website, HERE.

So what are you waiting for? Get some matching invitations to go with your Dark Ideals decorations!